This installation is created by Ozcollective using 32 large golf umbrellas with curved handles, wood, cables and nets.
Cumulus Light Canopy:

Beautiful lighting concept by Steven Haulenbeek, made from simple white photographers' translucent umbrellas.
Umbrella Installation by Ingo Maurer:

Umbrella installation at the entrance by Ingo Maurer (design week in Milan 2007).
Bloom by S Spenser:

Umbrella Art Installation in Greece:

Umbrella Art Installation:

Umbrella art installation at Island Six Studios:

Umbrella Art Installation in Melbourne:

"Rain" Umbrella Art Installation:

Paper Umbrellas:

Flowers adorn large paper umbrellas put from the ceiling. Part of the spring celebration in the Bellagio's conservatory.
Andy Wharhol-ish art exhibit:

Collection of umbrellas between two buildings:

Installations of umbrellas in a shopping center:

Umbrellas and Fans:

Story House Umbrella Art:

Umbrella House:

Art House at Night:

Umbrella Art:

Umbrella Art Project of Swiss Group:

A house in Zurich, the outside of which has become an art project of Swiss group.
Installation at Socrates Sculpture Park, New York:

Colorful Umbrella Landscape Art: