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Avoid Breast Cancer Adopt Yoga for Your Breasts

According to recent statistical studies worldwide, an average of 1 out of 20 women have experienced and survived the ordeals of breast cancer or are in the middle of the ordeals of this breast disorder. Many women lose their life because of breast cancer.

While even males can suffer the problems of breast cancer, it is 100 times more common in women than breast cancer in men. In the year 2008, 458.503 women lost their life worldwide because of breast cancer. It was 13.7% of all cancer deaths in women.

American women in the United States suffer breast cancer more than any other type of cancer while skin cancer is exception. Breast cancer in women in United States is second only to lung cancer and breast cancer is major cause of cancer death of women in US.

The symptoms of breast cancer varies significantly from lumps in breasts to swelling of the breasts to skin changes on breasts and in many cases, breast cancer patients have no obvious symptoms at many times. It is certainly not easy to pre-diagnosis breast cancer and the proper diagnosis becomes very difficult especially in developing countries like India, Pakistan because of lack of medical facilities.

However, women can prevent breast cancer through proper lifestyle, nutrition and healthy regimen. While it is necessary to alter your lifestyle and to reduce alcohol consumption, it is also necessary to remain physically active to avoid the menace of breast cancer.

There are certain yoga asnas or exercises that will help in preventing the issues of breast cancer. These yoga exercises will not only help women in preventing breast cancer; rather they will also work for improving the shape of breasts and to keep happy and healthy breasts.

Significance of a Healthy Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system of a woman sustains the health of her breasts. The lymphatic system holds the responsibility to keep potentially harmful entities away and to channelize clean flow of blood to breast tissues and cells while avoiding any infections.

Yoga exercises can help in improving the health of lymphatic system by maintaining proper coordination between breathing and body movement. By doing so, Yoga exercises helps in proper circulation of blood while supplying imperative energy in all parts of the lymphatic system of a woman.

A few Yoga Exercises for Breasts
Diagonal Stretch:

Energetic breathing and powerful movements of diagonal stretch helps the lymphatic system to get in proper motion.

How to Perform Diagonal Stretch Yoga Exercise:
  • Comfort yourself in a sitting position while placing your thumbs on the palms of the hands at the end of your little fingers.
  • Ascertain that your fingers are resting in straight line. Now pull your arms gradually to the sides while ascertaining that they remain parallel to the ground and your palms should be facing downwards.
  • Raise your right arm while bringing down the left arm. Take deep breath in while the right arm goes up and breath out as it goes down. Continue this exercise for 20-25 times.
Reach for Health: Snapping Back Exercise

This yoga exercise is very similar to martial arts exercises. This exercise involves the movement of snapping back that helps in activating and energizing lymph and breast cells and tissues.

  • Comfort yourself while sitting on your heels and remove the pressure from your knee joints by keeping a firm pillow below your buttocks and thighs.
  • By tucking your thumbs inside, make a fist of our palms. Bring your hand to the height of your breasts while pulling your elbows back.
  • Extend your arm in forward direction to its maximum while taking powerful breath in. Open your fingers in a fashion of grasping something. Close your fingers while grasping the air and making fist of your hands while snapping the arm to the body side while exhaling the breath out.
  • Repeat the same exercise with other arm and continue these steps for 2-3 minutes with both arms in succession.
Frog Pose

This yoga exercise helps in increasing the flow of energy upwards to all parts of the body.

Method of Frog Pose Yoga Exercise
  • While standing in a comfortable position, place your heels together close to each other and then squat down while keeping your heels above the ground.
  • Touch the floor with your finger tips while straightening your spine and back as much as you can.
  • Breathe in while straightening your legs and bring your head closure to the knees. Your finger tips should not move from the floor.
  • Breathe out and come back to the squatting position.
  • Perform this exercise for at least one minute or till you feel it is comfortable. Gradually increase the time for this exercise.