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Dead Quotes-3

      © God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.
      ©   All say, "How hard it is that we have to die" - a strange complaint to come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
      ©   I'm not afraid of death.  It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.

     ©   There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
      ©   All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.  

     ©   To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead.  

     ©   Watching a peaceful death of a human being reminds us of a falling star; one of a million lights in a vast sky that flares up for a brief moment only to disappear into the endless night forever. 

      ©   Gaily I lived as ease and nature taught,
   And spent my little life without a thought,
And am amazed that Death, that tyrant grim,
Should think of me, who never thought of him.

     ©   The fear of death follows from the fear of life.  A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

     ©   We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears.  We must not demean life by standing in awe of death.
     ©   Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other.

     ©   If you spend all your time worrying about dying, living isn't going to be much fun.  

     ©   Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live. 

     ©   He who doesn't fear death dies only once. 

     ©   A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man.