Ladies, start hunting for the hottest red dress in Miami! The
American Heart Association is hosting one of their most anticipated events this month-
The Miami Red Dress Fashion Show. The show takes place on Thursday, October 21st, at the Bass Museum of Art (2121 Park Avenue in Miami Beach). Get ready to see our city's most influential women strut their favorite red dress down the catwalk to raise awareness for the
Go Red for Women campaign! The
Go Red for Women movement started at the
American Heart Association in 2004. If you haven't heard the news: heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the U.S., followed by stroke at #3. These statistics are of particular urgency to Hispanic women, as heart disease tends to occur in Hispanic women about 10 years earlier than average women. It's time to educate yourselves and learn about this preventable disease. To purchase tickets for the Miami Red Dress Fashion Show, visit
www.heart.org/MiamiFLGoRed. The pre-show reception starts at 7 pm and the fashion show begins at 8:30 pm. For more information on the
Go Red for Women campaign, check out their
website! Become a part of the movement. Help save the women you love by spreading heart awareness.