• Diversity due to generation gap
• Diversity and Gender Issue in workforce
• Diversity based on minority workforce
• Diversity based on induction of Immigrants
• Workplace Diversity and Sexual orientation
Managing the issues of Diversity at Workplace
• Eradicating the issues of Generational Diversity
• Diversity Management and Gender Issues
• Managing Minority workers and Immigrants, racial and ethnical diversity at workplace
• Managing the diversity based on sexual orientation
Tips for the management while searching for proper solutions to manage diversity at workplace
With the increasing trend of globalization, America’s workforce is undergoing a great change in its composition. The current workforce of business organization throughout the world an especially in America can be explained or described as polytypic (Norma M. Riccucci, 2002). Nowadays, there are much higher percentage of white women, people of color, disabled persons, new and recent immigrants, gays and lesbians, and intergenerational groups working in the corporation organizations. Many of the managers and businessmen believe that with this diversified workforce, the opportunities to enhance innovation, efficiency and better production are increasing. On the same plane, these managers and businessmen also suffer the issues and problems created by the diversified cultural, racial, gender based and age based workforce. At times, it may prove to be really difficult for the management to create and provide a tension free harmonious working environment for the employees.
The following article will explain some of the common yet grave issues and problems emanating from the diversified workforce at the organizations. The aim of the article is to lament the major trends of diversification in the workforce of the current corporate organizations, to suggest that at times, this diversity may seem to be necessary and profitable for the businessmen and management but at other times, it may prove to be headache. We will discuss about the issues that may arise because of the increasing diversifying workforce of America and other western countries. We will also explain how and why organizations often support the idea of diversification of work force, and how it can be profitable for them. It is necessary to understand and recognize the issues and problems that may arise due to the different sets of diversity within the workforce so that the management may find itself able to reduce or avoid any such situation that may to be hazardous for the organization and may affect the performance of the workers.
Diversity in the Work Place:
Diversity in the workforce has been grabbing more and more attention because of its immediate need. The diversity at the workplace may indicate the differences between the workers based on their cultural and ethnical background, their habits, abilities and skills, their ability to provide effective performance, their sexes and some other similar diversifications. Some people feel that it is very challenging and difficult to manage and maintain proper working with the diversified workforce and hence it is a problem as it is a hurdle against the effectiveness of organizational activities, while some others believe that diversity provides a great opportunity to increase the value perspectives and ideas in the organization. A diversified workforce can be imagined as a set of isolated individuals working on some defining ideals, or it can be imagined as a colourful and interesting atmosphere to provide better work and results (Gerald R. Ferris , Dwight D. Frink , M. Carmen Galang, 1993)
The major issue for the corporate is to manage the diversity in the workplace. It is very important not because corporate are becoming more genteel and kinder towards their employees, but because without managing the diversified workforce, the corporate cannot stand, it not be successful.
The Hudson Institute’s workforce report 2000 in 1987 exclaimed that by the 1990’s, 85% of net growth in labour force will contain women, minorities and immigrants. By the year 2000, the report suggested that more than 47% of total workforce will be women and 61% of American women will be employed. Furthermore, the report suggested that by the end of 1990’s more than 25% of workforce will be from Third World, 4% of Asian, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans, 10% of Hispanics and 12% of African Americans. It will become a necessity for American organizations to recruit, train and promote culturally diverse employees and manage them to procure positive results (George Henderson, 1994).
Common trends of Diversified work groups
There are many issues regarding the management of diversified workforce at the workplace. Some of the common trends of diversified workers are
• Diversity due to generation gap
According to the Hudson Institute’s workforce report, by the year 2000, “51% of the workforce will be between 35 to 54 years old”, on the other hand, the younger workers will be only 38%, while only 11% of workers will be above age 55 (Gerald R. Ferris , Dwight D. Frink , M. Carmen Galang, 1993).
Such situations may create a generation barrier between the workers. There have been some incidences that suggest that it is not easy for workers to collaborate with colleagues if there is such huge generation gap.
Mr. Du-Feu a legal consultant at London based International Law firm suggested that “there are now 1.33 million workers above retirement age in the UK so our workforces are becoming increasingly age diverse.”

• Diversity and Gender Issue in workforce
The increasing participation of women in corporate world also create a diversified situation where the management need to provide proper amiable atmosphere for the women workers so that they may provide efficient work with ease without facing any discriminatory sexist situation. With increasing number of women workforce, many competent women will try and eventually succeed in attaining the topmost positions at the organizations. Management need to provide proper system that may not create any hurdle or conflicts revolving round the gender issues.
• Diversity based on minority workforce
In 1985, the minority workforce in United States was 13%. Hudson Institute’s estimation report for 2000 suggested that by 2000, the percentage of minority workforce in United States will increase to the levels of 15% or above (Gerald R. Ferris , Dwight D. Frink , M. Carmen Galang, 1993). It is very important for the management to take care of the workplace environment and not to let any racial or ethnical conflict to occur as that may lead to unwanted tension and stress in the workers which will reduce the performance and efficiency of the potential workers.
• Diversity based on induction of Immigrants

• Workplace Diversity and Sexual orientation
Nowadays, public is becoming more and more positive and sensitive about the individual right for enjoying one’s sexual orientation. Management of different organizations need to provide an amiable and friendly environment for people with alternative sex life and sexual orientation so that the organization may not suffer a bad reputation in the public. It also becomes necessary because with proper safety, freedom and allowance, the workers can easily state and defend their sexual orientation without fearing for any discrimination, offensive activity or exploitation. Management need to look whether it will be safe for the employees to state their sexual orientation openly or will it be more appropriate to avoid forcing the employees to openly state their sexual orientation (Norma M. Riccucci, 2002).
Managing the issues of Diversity at Workplace

• Eradicating the issues of Generational Diversity
In recent times, the age diversity is increasing because of the fact that the number of older employees is increasing as they can’t afford to stop work in the current tumultuous economical times (Western Mail, 2009). The issue becomes serious because many young people are suffering unemployment.
The first necessity for the management is to notice the ways by which the age diversity can cause problems in the workplace. The employers, businessman and human resource professionals need to understand and recognize the issues and notice the changes that are being brought within the workplace.

• Diversity Management and Gender Issues
As more and more women are actively taking part in professional scenario, gender conflicts are also naturally rising on the scene. It is very necessary for the human resource management to look forward to avoid any sexist policy that may reduce the chances of emerging women to gain proper professional progress. At the same time, management need to ensure that the male workers may not feel that women are gaining unwanted support from the management. Discrimination on either part needs to be avoided as it may create a tussle between the employees.
• Managing Minority workers and Immigrants, racial and ethnic diversity at workplace
In order to woe the global consumers and to succeed in expanding the business globally, organizations need to expand their ethnical diversity base at workplace. Yet, the diversity may create tussles that need to be managed in a proper manner.

• Managing the diversity based on sexual orientation
The issue of an individual’s freedom to openly enjoy his or her sexual orientation is gaining moment in United States and in the whole world. LGBT societies and communities are gaining more and more public support as public is also gaining awareness about the issues and problems faced by the people with diversified sexual orientation. At a corporate organizational level, management should try to avoid any issue that may create a political tussle between the workers at workplace. It is necessary to provide proper protection for lesbians and gays if there are some in the workforce. Precautions should be taken while making policies regarding the openness of sexual orientation by the workers. Often workers try not to reveal their sexual orientation, yet, if some workers are willing to openly state their sexual orientation, management need to see whether it is safe. Many companies and organizations openly state that they are gays and lesbian friendly and they respect their workers sexual orientation and freedom. Such policies and announcement occurs with the motive of gaining good reputation amongst the clients and consumers in the public (Norma M. Riccucci, 2002).

Tips for the management while searching for proper solutions to manage diversity at workplace
Some of the business organizations like Steelcase, General Motors, 3M, Microsoft, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Kodak, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Lockheed Martin Corporation, American Airlines, Nike and some others filed their Friends of Court” brief and got involved in the case in February, 2003 in support of University of Michigan before the Supreme Court. The issue was the corporate organizations stern belief that racial, ethical, age, gender, and sexual diversification is not only right but it is very important from the perspective of economical growth of these organizations (David W. Debruin , Allen Boston , Rick Bobrow , Vance M. Holley, 2003).
The incident proved that it is very necessary for the organizations to maintain proper diversified workforce but it also lamented the need to manage the workforce properly and to try to avoid any hurdle that may occur in the performance and efficiency of workers.
It is very necessary for the human resource management to take a proper look on the ongoing scenario of workplace and to notice if there are occurring some incidences of stress, tussles and vocal altercations between the workers due to the diversity in the race, age, gender, culture and linguistic differences. Precautions will prove to be more effective.
It is very important to include the members of the workgroup and provide a platform for friendly discourses where the workers may discuss and express their concerns, problems and difficulties faced by them while working in such diversified atmosphere. Proper discourses are necessary and effective method to promote harmony and to reduce the conflicts between the different generations of the workers. It would be a better way to introduce workers from different age groups to work together in teams and to encourage a feeling of competition within these different teams.
Management should also provide enough attention towards the problems faced by women while working with their male colleague. It is necessary to provide protection for women and it is also important to look forward that the male workers may not suffer any discrimination because of extra care that is to be provided for the female workers.
Although the companies may find it profitable to announce openly that they support individual freedom of people to have their sexual orientation, yet, it should not be made compulsory for the employees to openly state their sexual orientation officially because it may create problem for those employees. They may suffer harassment or they may be ridiculed.
Norma M. Riccucci, 2002, “Managing Diversity in Public Sector Workforces”, Westview Press, Boulder, CO available at: http://www.questia.com/read/100875077?title=Managing%20Diversity%20in%20Public%20Sector%20Workforces
Gerald R. Ferris , Dwight D. Frink , M. Carmen Galang, 1993, “Diversity in the Workplace: The Human Resources Management Challenges”, Human Resource Planning. Volume: 16. Issue: 1 available at: http://www.questia.com/read/5000256363?title=Diversity%20in%20the%20Workplace%3a%20The%20Human%20Resources%20Management%20Challenges
George Henderson, 1994, “Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: Issues and Strategies”, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT available at: http://www.questia.com/read/9611760?title=Cultural%20Diversity%20in%20the%20Workplace%3a%20Issues%20and%20Strategies
Western Mail, 2009, “Employers Warned over Conflict between Generations in Workplace”, November 26, 2009 available at: http://www.questia.com/read/5035820932?title=Employers%20Warned%20over%20Conflict%20between%20Generations%20in%20Workplace
David W. Debruin , Allen Boston , Rick Bobrow , Vance M. Holley, 2003, “The Business Case for Diversity”, Black Collegian. Volume: 34. Issue: 1 October, 2003, available at: http://www.questia.com/read/5037668167?title=The%20Business%20Case%20for%20Diversity