As a matter of fact, women do get paid lesser than their male counterparts for the similar jobs.
However, there is an interesting fact attached with this truth. It has been found that only women of age above 25 years, or such women who are already married suffer such situations and get lesser wages.
On the other hand, girls of age under 25 often succeed in gaining similar salary packages as that of men working at same workplace.
So why is it? Is the world really sexist? Or is it just a myth based on wrong interpretation of the facts?
A rational approach about this issue has been discussed here on this page of rational libertarian corner. The author explains how it is not only difficult but impossible to act discriminatory and sexist in a free market scenario.

The author than asks, which packet will you buy? Obviously anyone will say that irrespective of the color of the packet, they will choose to buy that packet in which the same amount of gold is available at cheaper price.
The author than compares the situation with female workers and male workers in market.
She says, assuming that all male and female workers work similar kind of jobs equally with similar efficiency, then if women workers are available at lesser wages, why any profit seeking businessman will appoint a male worker? He will certainly chose to appoint a woman worker because that is profitable for him.

Then she comments that, this actually doesn’t happen and asks why it doesn’t happen?
She suggests that it is difficult for both men and women to work with same efficiency and this is very genuine and is certainly not offending for women.
The author comments that along with official work, the woman has to pay attention towards her children, her marital responsibilities and a lot more. On the other hand, male often cannot be as responsible as a woman towards their marital life and children.
As a result, the female sacrifices her working efficiency to protect her family. However, this is certainly not a deal of loss because basically, it is expected that men will take care of the family expenses and this equalizes the difference between salaries of men and women working at similar jobs.